
Ministry of Christian Science Nursing 2

The following topics are explored in the context of ministering in the field as well as in a facility setting:

  • Topics covered in the MCSN-1 course are reviewed and developed.
  • Spiritual concepts and skills related to supporting healing and caring for individuals in bed are introduced.

Tuition for all courses is $300.00 per week; financial assistance is available.

Students are hired as temporary staff members and paid while participating in the course. Please call (800) 626-9155 for more information.

Membership in The Mother Church and primary class instruction are required for those applying for all courses.

Tenacre – Princeton, NJ

Upcoming Course:

Aug 26


Nov 2, 2024

 –  Initial school & mentoring

Nov 3, 2024


Feb 7, 2025

 – Final mentoring

Upcoming Course:

Oct 6


Nov 28, 2025

 –  Initial school & mentoring

Nov 29, 2025


Feb 27, 2026

 – Final mentoring

Apply Today

Christian Science Nurse. Sect. 31 — A member of The Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick. The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers.

— Church Manual, p. 49